Wockhardt , Lupin

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

World Women Day Celebrated At Velocity

(1.)World Women’s Day celebrated in velocity on 8th Mar 2011.

(A.) The event has started with the speech of Mr. Sanjeev Palod regarding the value of women in everybody’s life.
(B.)  Then the flower distribution to Ms. Ashwini, Ms. Swati, Ms. Yogita  by Mr. Sanjeev Palod has been followed.

The Life Of A Man

I was born. A Woman was there to hold me – My Mother.
I grew as a child. A Woman was there to care for me & play with me – My Sister.
I went to school. A Woman was there to help me learn – My Teacher.
I became depressed whenever I was lost. A Woman was there to offer a shoulder – My Girlfriend.
I needed company compatibility & love. A great Woman was there for me – My Wife.
I became tough.  A Woman there to melt me – My Daughter.
When I die. A Woman is there to absorb me in – My Motherland.

The education & development of Woman is very much necessary nowadays because it will lead to the enhancement & progress of the entire society.

 (2.) Training to Pharma store team on the subject inward goods procedure, picklist-Invoice-Repacking of it conducted by Mr. Pramod Sutar, Mr. Rahul, Mr. Anil Pardesi, Mr. Deepak Mahajan & Mr. Krishna Helkar . It was very interactive & fruitful session & entire team came out with the solution for there own problem for with actual demo for what to do & what not to do. At the end of training Mr. Avinash Wani has given them in short SOP understanding on above two subject.

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