Wockhardt , Lupin

Monday, December 27, 2010

Review Of The Week(20th Dec 10 To 27th Dec 10)

  1.) Ms. Ashu Gupta(AVP) had visited our depot on 21st Dec 10 and she has given lot of guidance on following points.
a) In advance blank cheque system with company.

b) GWP & its importance.

c) Cost cutting.

d) How to achieve the OTIF

She appreciated our system of pick list introduction & taken all the details for circulating it to all depots. She want to implement the unique system all over India.
We like to thank her for giving good positive & total support from HO from her side for implementing new things for the streamlining in the depot.

2.) MSCDA has given operating training to Mr. Anil Pardesi & Mr. Sandip Mulik. Actually this training is for 3 days but both of them completed it in 1 day. Complements to them for this.

3.) Lupin has refresh us with SOP of expiry destruction & handling of cold chain products.       
4.)    Pidilite has introduced the new policy for same day dispatching. We have implemented it from 1 month & successfully following it. Complements to Mr. Ganesh & his team.

5.)    Adani has started surprise auditing system instead of fixed day audits.

  Seminar At Velocity

6.) Seminar organized on 25th Dec 10 in Velocity & business mentor Mr. Sachet Mehta from actualize learning has enhanced our knowledge on following subjects . In the seminar from Velocity logistics total 25 staffs has attended. In the beginning Mr. Sanjeev Palod has given introduction of Mr. S. Mehta & given brief ideas of organization and its people development for the future.

a) Team Work.

b) Core Values

c) Strategic Plan

Apart from these, these above subjects he has practically touched through demo & stories on following day to day work management.

a) Leadership – Making a paper tower within 15 minutes which will stand for 30 seconds.

I) Choose your leader for work then planning the work properly before indulging into it.

II) For any work basic foundation is important.

III) Team work– Team is not only a set of people but one individual.

IV) It was successfully done by team –

Mr. Avinash Wani, Mr. T. kakde, Mr. Abhijit ,Mr. Nitin,Ms Swati & Mr. Kishore.

b) Time Management – Making a circle chain & passing the ring from one by one & end up by the starting point.

I) The potential should be judged properly before planning from proper work

II) Learn from your mistakes & think for better execution of the same work.

III) In the beginning we made of target of 80 secoonds for completion of the task, but actually happened in 29 seconds, In second attempt taken target of 30 seconds & completed in 28 seconds.

IV) Successfully done by team – Mr. Kushik Mitra ,Mr. V. Patil, Mr. Ganesh Modak, Mr. Ganesh Omble, Mr. Vishal, Mr. Chetan.

c) Team Work – Grow with the team

I) Thinking for organizational progress rather for individual progress.

7.) Core Values Of The Organization – Core Values will not change with the change of circumstances. This values are the root of the organization.

I) Satisfaction Of the customer above all else.

II) Performance based opportunity.

III) Every individual must be respected.

IV) Hardworking & Integrity.

8.) Strategic Plan is the lifeline of the organization, it helps in achieving the targets by planning weekly, monthly and quarterly.

He & Mr. Palod has explained the importance & attachment to organization core values.

We have taken a project of 2 months for total customer satisfaction. Below activities will be done –

a) List of problems

b) Possible solutions

c) Themes

d) Posters

e) Talk with your customers

f) Meeting within the team for better solutions.

No Substitute To Hardworking.

He also explained the definition of the success

a) Success depends on attitude, knowledge & skill

“Success is the realization of the potentials”

Mr. Avinash Wani has given a thanking note & commited from the team to implement the above points.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Review Of The Week(13th Dec To 18th Dec)

(1.) Mr. Arvind Karla(Senior Vice President-Manufacturing,Operations & Sourcing) & Mr. Samir Chaturvedi(Senior Manger-Distribution & logistics) had visited our premises for the first time on 16th Nov 2010.

(2.) The thought given by him was push the person so that they can go to the next level.

(3.) Mr. Santosh Zende has been promoted & shifted as manager of Exide depot. Congratulations to him & wish him all the best.

(4.) Welcome to Madam Ashu Gupta(AVP) on 21st Dec 2010.

(5.) Wockhardt has taken initiative and arranged vaccine supplies for institutions to all over India.

(6.) As per our core values "Satisfaction Of Customer Over All Else" Mr. Avinash Wani & Mr. Viswanath Patil had visited Solapur & Sangli distributers.

(7.) The customer satisfaction index ranking of Lupin distributers for Solapur is 94% in which total party covered was 11 & in Sangli 90% acheived in which 5 parties covered.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Few Lessons By Mr. Azim Premji To Succeed In Life

My own successes and setbacks along the way have taught me some lessons. I wish to share them with you and hope you will find them useful.

Lesson #1: Be careful to ask what you want. You may get it.
What this means is that do not ask too little either of yourself or the others around you. What you ask is what you get. When I look back at the time when I joined Wipro, I was 21. If you ask me whether I thought that Wipro would grow so by someday, the honest answer is that I did not. But neither did I think it would not. We constantly stretched ourselves to higher and higher targets. Sometimes, it seemed possible, sometimes fanciful and sometimes plain insane. But we never stopped raising limits. And we got a lot more than what we bargained for.

Lesson # 2: Respond, don’t react
Always be aware of your emotions and learn to manage them. There is a huge difference between people who react impulsively and those who can disengage themselves and then respond at will. By choosing to respond differently, we can prevent another person from controlling our behaviour. I remember a small story that illustrates this well. There was once a newspaper vendor who had a rude Customer. Every morning, the Customer would walk by, refuse to return the greeting, grab the paper off the shelf and throw the money at the vendor. The vendor would pick up the money, smile politely and say, “Thank you, Sir.” One day, the vendor’s assistant asked him, “Why are you always so polite with him when he is so rude to you? Why don’t you throw the newspaper at him when he comes back tomorrow?” The vendor smiled and replied, “He can’t help being rude and I can’t help being polite. Why should I let his rude behaviour dictate mine?

Lesson # 3: Intuitions are important for making decisions
It is important to realize that our intuition is a very important part of decision making. Many things are recorded by our subconscious. Use both sides of the brain. Even that is not enough. Some decisions need the use of the heart as well. When you use your mind and heart together, you may get a completely new and creative answer.

Lesson # 4: Learn to work in teams
The challenges ahead are so complex that no individual will be able to face them alone. While most of our education is focused in individual strength, teaming with others is equally important. You cannot fire a missile from a canoe. Unless you build a strong network of people with complimentary skills, you will be restricted by your own limitations. Globalisation has brought people of different origins, different upbringing and different cultures together. Ability to become an integral part of a cross-cultural team will be a must for your success.

Lesson #5: Never lose your zest and curiosity
All the available knowledge in the world is accelerating at a phenomenal rate. The whole world’s codified knowledge base (all documented information in library books and electronic files) doubled every 30 years in the early 20th century. By the 1970s, the world’s knowledge base doubled every seven years. Information researchers predict that by the year 2010, the world’s codified knowledge will double every 11 hours. Remaining on top of what you need to know will become one of the greatest challenges for you. The natural zest and curiosity for learning is one of the greatest drivers for keeping updated on knowledge. A child’s curiosity is insatiable because every new object is a thing of wonder and mystery. The same zest is needed to keep learning new things. I personally spend at least 10 hours every week on reading. If I do not do that, I will find myself quickly outdated.

Lesson # 6: Put yourself first
This does not mean being selfish. Nor does it mean that you must become so full of yourself that that you become vain or arrogant. It means developing your self confidence. It means, developing an inner faith in yourself that is not shaken by external events. It requires perseverance. It shows up in the ability to rebound from a setback with double enthusiasm and energy. I came across a recent Harvard Business review which describes this very effectively : “No one can truly define success and failure for us- only we can define that for ourselves. No one can take away our dignity unless we surrender it. No one can take away our hope and pride unless we relinquish them. No one can steal our creativity, imagination and skills unless we stop thinking. No one can stop us from rebounding unless we give up.” And there is no way we can take care of others, unless we take care of ourselves.

Lesson # 6: Put yourself first
This does not mean being selfish. Nor does it mean that you must become so full of yourself that that you become vain or arrogant. It means developing your self confidence. It means, developing an inner faith in yourself that is not shaken by external events. It requires perseverance. It shows up in the ability to rebound from a setback with double enthusiasm and energy. I came across a recent Harvard Business review which describes this very effectively : “No one can truly define success and failure for us- only we can define that for ourselves. No one can take away our dignity unless we surrender it. No one can take away our hope and pride unless we relinquish them. No one can steal our creativity, imagination and skills unless we stop thinking. No one can stop us from rebounding unless we give up.” And there is no way we can take care of others, unless we take care of ourselves.

Lesson # 8: Play to win
Playing to win is not the same as playing dirty. It is not about winning all the time or winning at any cost. Playing to win is having the intensity to stretch to the maximum and bringing our best foot forward. Winning means focusing on the game. The score board tells you where you are going, but don’t concentrate too much on it. If you can focus on the ball, the scores will move by themselves. I recently came across this story that I thought I would share with you A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went into the kitchen. He returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal- some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – and asked them to help themselves to coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, you were more concerned about comparing your cups but what you really wanted was coffee. Yet you spent all your time eyeing each other’s cups. Now if life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to contain Life, but cannot really change the quality of Life. Sometimes, by over concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee.”

I wish you all every success in your career and your life.

Azim Premji

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Review Of The Week(29th Nov To 04th Dec10)

(1.) Closing of all depot has been done successfully.
     (a) Pidilite completed month end dispatches on 30th Nov.
     (b)Stock Checking has been completed in all depots.
     (c) In persistence to our core values of respective individual, we are glad to write you that we have reimburse the medical amount to our following employees.

      (1.) Mr. & Mrs. Ganesh Omble.
      (2.) Mr. Sachin Naik.
      (3.) Mr. Chetan Patil's daughter - Under Process

(2.) We have successfully implemented new ERP system in Exide which help us to generate the automatic report of Octroi Claim, Gate Pass & Sale register.

(3.) Mr. Bhushan Patil & Sagar has given lot of efforts to make the system successful in Exide. plz complement Mr. Avinash for introducing new system in Exide.

(4.) Mr. Ganesh of Pidilite has taken good initiative & completed internal audit by all his own.

(5.) Mr. Arvind Shukla of Amway has done the audit & showed satisfaction by the work done by Mr. Ganesh Omble & his team.