Wockhardt , Lupin

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Annual Development Planing in Spring Resort

 Annual Development  Plan in  Spring Resort                                                Date: - 13.04.2013

This Development plan Meeting two thinks first is last year  how to work & This  year Develop to plan.
“When Develop to employee then improve to company”.
First speech and Introduction of  Velocity Supply chain Pvt. Ltd.  Managing Director MR. Sanjeev Palod  His presentation about “Core Value”.  
1.      Think
2.      Benefit
Pharma Division all Manager present one by one annual Development plan:-
1.      Prasana Patak  
2.      Chetan Patil  
3.      Nasir Shaikh
4.      Ashfakh Shaikh
Mr. Vishwanath Patil  ( G. M )

F.M.C.G Division all Manager Present Annual Development Plan:-
1.      Ganesh Gole
2.      Sunil chouraghe
3.      Ganesh Omble
HR Department
1.      Lopchand Pawar

Conclusion:    Mayur Wani  ( HR Head )

                                                    Velocity Supply Chain Pvt. Ltd.           

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



  • SAP team from Asia  Pasific regional office ( kohlalampur , Jakarta , Singapore )  visited  velocity supplychain pvt ltd. 
  • There disscusion points where , cfa operations in India which includes :
  • Store Maintenance  
  • Stock Receipt
  • Stock Arrangement 
  • Financial Accounting 
  • Invoicing 
  • Expiry & Saleable CN (credit note )
  • SAN 
  • Procedure of dispatch in India .  
  • Quick overview of the SAP process being practiced as a part of CFA operation .
Also the Asia pacific team of visitors appreciated Mr. Asfak Shaik for his Brilliant Presentation and also Asfak suggested them the important additional point for Cfa operations in sap . The points are as follows:

  • Inventory control 
  • LR updation in system 
  • All in one report .
  • SMS to Stockiestregarding dispatch billing & CN auto generate facility .
Also the presentation which was been prepared by Mr. Asfak Shaikh  was appreciated & also they have carried away the PPT with them .

  •  Mr. Asfak Shaik velocity supply chain appreciate  your hard work for our organisation.


As a part of additional services our lupin depot have taken challenge of minimising the godown expiry in lien of Mr. Nasir Shaikh and entire Lupin team they have taken initiative and have converted  total                     near expiry stock in samples which have saved national loss .

Thanks to Lupin & entire staff of Lupin depot & lupin sales team .

Chiron Penecia ( Depot )

Chiron Penecia has converted into penecia Biotech .