Wockhardt , Lupin

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Joyshop training programme in velocity

Week Activity

On 16th July at Velocity Campus we had organized third Joy Shop of
Mr. Sachet Mehata from Actualize Learning solution.

The Joy Shop was conducted by Mr. Mehata sir with full energy & every one
From Velocity fully involved it was also very interactive from staff side also.

The session has started at 10 am in the beginning Mr. Sanjeev Palod has highlighted

The core value of organization “PERFORMANCE BASED OPPORUNITY.”

The seminar was started with the How you are going to utilize Rs. 86400.00
Per day.

Another subject high light of Joy shop 7 choice to each one.

1) Be a Player……………..Explained in way of active always at any type of game or work place instead of audience.
2) Be a accountable ………Take the responsibility of every good or bad things happen at work place. For leader bad things debit to them for good credit goes to team.
3) Chose service our self… Interest …. It is explained through a live experience of Mr. Sanjeev Palod in recently south Africa tour that one swiper told his well come to my office
It indicate that persons interest even in that work.

USA cop ( Traffic Police persons ) He had worked 28 years in the same job in last three year he became nerves by doing same action , so he created his own
Style of dancing signal action & it very famous in USA that COP till date earning of his different style . It indicates its Interest in that.
4)Focus Forward…………..Its formula explained in the way be a 80% in future & 20% in present. Your work is your signature. This point is also highlighted by Mr. Palod.
5)Make It Masterpiece…..Give very strong example of one Snow Rider who lost his one leg & breakdown 86 bones of body but came back from that became
Champion in that game & now he is coach for USA team for that game.
6)Get It done ………. Just do it.
7)Risk more gain more. Through game & strategic importance explained in it.

15 things given & assumption given that we are in a sea & our ship failed & away from the location around 3000 km.

Very nicely priority things to be require in that situation explain & we all are convince with that . In it all the participant participated.

The participant now working on growth plan for next three months under leadership of respective depot manager & Avinash wani , Rathod Sachin.

The next JOY SHOP will be on 17/9/2011.

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